Try your hand at a real physics problem
Prof Martijn De Sterke came across the following challenge from his research, and wants your help to verify the answer and get some insight into what makes it so good!🔭
Plus, he's giving away a free PhySoc t-shirt to everyone who submits a response!* 👕❗
You can download the challenge from
Please upload a legible submission to responding to the challenge (see link above!) with your name by September 30!
Best of luck with the challenge! 🎉🎉🎉
(* It must be a credible response that makes a decent attempt, and if there's an overwhelming amount of responses we may limit the number of T-shirts at Martijn's discretion - but we're not expecting that to be an issue. If you want it shipped you will probably have to pay for that too - of course we're happy to hold on to it till we return to campus!)